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Showing 1 - 13 of 224

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Proteasome Activator Enhances Survival of Huntington's Disease Neuronal Model Cells

Hyemyung Seo, Kai-Christian Sonntag,  [ ... ], Ole Isacson

A Novel Multiplex Cell Viability Assay for High-Throughput RNAi Screening

Daniel F. Gilbert, Gerrit Erdmann,  [ ... ], Michael Boutros

Brain-Derived Neurotrophic Factor in Patients with Huntington's Disease

Chiara Zuccato, Manuela Marullo,  [ ... ], Elena Cattaneo

The Impact of Different Types of Assistive Devices on Gait Measures and Safety in Huntington's Disease

Anne D. Kloos, Deborah A. Kegelmeyer, Susan E. White, Sandra K. Kostyk

Quantification Assays for Total and Polyglutamine-Expanded Huntingtin Proteins

Douglas Macdonald, Michela A. Tessari,  [ ... ], Ignacio Munoz-Sanjuan

Neuroendocrine Disturbances in Huntington's Disease

Nadine Saleh, Stéphane Moutereau,  [ ... ], Patrick Maison

Mechanisms of Copper Ion Mediated Huntington's Disease Progression

Jonathan H. Fox, Jibrin A. Kama,  [ ... ], Steven Hersch

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