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Showing 27 - 39 of 136

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Short term dynamics of the sputum microbiome among COPD patients

Rohita Sinha, Lisa A. Weissenburger-Moser,  [ ... ], Tricia D. LeVan

The impact of persistent bacterial bronchitis on the pulmonary microbiome of children

Leah Cuthbertson, Vanessa Craven,  [ ... ], Miriam F. Moffatt

Impact of meningitis on intelligence and development: A systematic review and meta-analysis

Deborah Christie, Harunor Rashid,  [ ... ], Russell M. Viner

Growth-altering microbial interactions are responsive to chemical context

Angela Liu, Anne M. Archer, Matthew B. Biggs, Jason A. Papin

Strong incidence of Pseudomonas aeruginosa on bacterial rrs and ITS genetic structures of cystic fibrosis sputa

Laurence Pages-Monteiro, Romain Marti,  [ ... ], Anne Doleans-Jordheim

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