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Showing 1 - 13 of 123

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Framework for charged compact objects admitting conformal motion in higher dimension

A. Zahra, S. A. Mardan, Muhammad Bilal Riaz, Rubab Manzoor

A study of time-fractional model for atmospheric internal waves with Caputo-Fabrizio derivative

Miguel Vivas-Cortez, Maasoomah Sadaf,  [ ... ], Sharmeen Fatima

Vibration optimization of spur gear based on GSA-SA algorithm

Linyue Qiu, Xiangying Hou,  [ ... ], Rupeng Zhu

Magneto-optical trapping in a near-suface borehole

Jamie Vovrosh, Katie Wilkinson,  [ ... ], Michael Holynski

The role of external power demand on the choice of technique in classic cross-country skiing

Gertjan Ettema, Knut Skovereng, Tobias Ritman, Jørgen Danielsen

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