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Showing 1 - 13 of 986

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Teaching methods for critical thinking in health education of children up to high school: A scoping review

Anna Prokop-Dorner, Aleksandra Piłat-Kobla,  [ ... ], Małgorzata M. Bała

“Sickness has no time”: Awareness and perceptions of health care workers on universal health coverage in Uganda

Susan C. Ifeagwu, Ruth Nakaboga Kikonyogo,  [ ... ], Rosalind Parkes-Ratanshi

The relationship between line manager training in mental health and organisational outcomes

Juliet Hassard, Teixiera Dulal-Arthur,  [ ... ], Holly Blake

Learning interventions and training methods in health emergencies: A scoping review

Heini Utunen, Giselle Balaciano,  [ ... ], Jane Noyes

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