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Showing 40 - 52 of 304

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Bidirectional association between depression and diabetic nephropathy by meta-analysis

Tingting Fang, Qiuling Zhang, Zhiguo Wang, Jun-Ping Liu

Social connectedness as a determinant of mental health: A scoping review

Priya J. Wickramaratne, Tenzin Yangchen,  [ ... ], Myrna M. Weissman

Frailty and risk of cardiovascular disease and mortality

Xiao Liu, Nien Xiang Tou,  [ ... ], Tze Pin Ng

Path analysis of biomarkers for cognitive decline in early Parkinson’s disease

Dmitri K. Gramotnev, Galina Gramotnev, Alexandra Gramotnev, Mathew J. Summers

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