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Showing 1 - 13 of 225

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Custom-made 3D-printed boot as a model of disuse-induced atrophy in murine skeletal muscle

Giulio Masiero, Giulia Ferrarese,  [ ... ], Caterina Tezze

Synergistic difference in the effect of stretching on electromechanical delay components

Nicholas Toninelli, Giuseppe Coratella,  [ ... ], Emiliano Cè

Persisting effects of jaw clenching on dynamic steady-state balance

Cagla Fadillioglu, Lisa Kanus,  [ ... ], Thorsten Stein

Avoiding scar tissue formation of peripheral nerves with the help of an acellular collagen matrix

Martin Aman, Maximilian Mayrhofer-Schmid,  [ ... ], Arne H. Boecker

Effects of elastase-induced emphysema on muscle and bone in mice

Daichi Matsumura, Naoyuki Kawao,  [ ... ], Hiroshi Kaji

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