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Showing 1 - 13 of 80

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Characterization and prediction of gambling behavior in adolescents using the COM-B model

Álvaro Botella-Guijarro, Daniel Lloret-Irles, José Vicente Segura-Heras, Juan A. Moriano-León

Psychometric properties of the Slovenian version of Internet Disorder Scale–IDS-15

Mark Žmavc, Halley M. Pontes, Mark D. Griffiths, Špela Selak

Winning and losing in online gambling: Effects on within-session chasing

Zhang Chen, Roos Arwen Doekemeijer, Xavier Noël, Frederick Verbruggen

Prevalence of gambling problems, help-seeking, and relationships with trauma in veterans

Olivia Metcalf, Ellie Lawrence-Wood,  [ ... ], Sean Cowlishaw

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