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Showing 14 - 26 of 28

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  • Upper Girdle Imaging in Facioscapulohumeral Muscular Dystrophy

    Giorgio Tasca, Mauro Monforte, Elisabetta Iannaccone, Francesco Laschena, Pierfrancesco Ottaviani, Emanuele Leoncini, Stefania Boccia, Giuliana Galluzzi, Marco Pelliccioni, Marcella Masciullo, Roberto Frusciante, Eugenio Mercuri, Enzo Ricci

    published 16 Jun 2014

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  • FSHD Myotubes with Different Phenotypes Exhibit Distinct Proteomes

    Alexandra Tassin, Baptiste Leroy, Dalila Laoudj-Chenivesse, Armelle Wauters, Céline Vanderplanck, Marie-Catherine Le Bihan, Frédérique Coppée, Ruddy Wattiez, Alexandra Belayew

    published 18 Dec 2012

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  • The FSHD Atrophic Myotube Phenotype Is Caused by DUX4 Expression

    Céline Vanderplanck, Eugénie Ansseau, Sébastien Charron, Nadia Stricwant, Alexandra Tassin, Dalila Laoudj-Chenivesse, Steve D. Wilton, Frédérique Coppée, Alexandra Belayew

    published 28 Oct 2011

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