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Secondary Chromosomal Attachment Site and Tandem Integration of the Mobilizable Salmonella Genomic Island 1

Benoît Doublet, George R. Golding, Michael R. Mulvey, Axel Cloeckaert

A Novel Campylobacter jejuni Sequence Type from a Culture-Negative Patient in The Gambia

Gerard A. J. Morris, Usman N. Ikumapayi,  [ ... ], Richard A. Adegbola

Conditional Transgenesis Using Dimerizable Cre (DiCre)

Nicolas Jullien, Isabelle Goddard,  [ ... ], Jean-Paul Herman

HIV-1 Protease and Reverse Transcriptase Control the Architecture of Their Nucleocapsid Partner

Gilles Mirambeau, Sébastien Lyonnais,  [ ... ], Eric Le Cam

The Tricarboxylic Acid Cycle, an Ancient Metabolic Network with a Novel Twist

Ryan J. Mailloux, Robin Bériault,  [ ... ], Vasu D. Appanna

Detection of Venous Thromboembolism by Proteomic Serum Biomarkers

Santhi K. Ganesh, Yugal Sharma,  [ ... ], Elizabeth G. Nabel

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