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Temporal Patterns of Diversification across Global Cichlid Biodiversity (Acanthomorpha: Cichlidae)

Caleb D. McMahan, Prosanta Chakrabarty,  [ ... ], Matthew P. Davis

The Importance of Bushmeat in the Livelihoods of West African Cash-Crop Farmers Living in a Faunally-Depleted Landscape

Björn Schulte-Herbrüggen, Guy Cowlishaw, Katherine Homewood, J. Marcus Rowcliffe

Individual Foraging Strategies Reveal Niche Overlap between Endangered Galapagos Pinnipeds

Stella Villegas-Amtmann, Jana W. E. Jeglinski,  [ ... ], Fritz Trillmich

Seagrass Restoration Enhances “Blue Carbon” Sequestration in Coastal Waters

Jill T. Greiner, Karen J. McGlathery, John Gunnell, Brent A. McKee

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