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Showing 1 - 13 of 1,794

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Do restoration strategies in mangroves recover microbial diversity? A case study in the Yucatan peninsula

Daniel Esguerra-Rodríguez, Arit De León-Lorenzana,  [ ... ], Luisa I. Falcón

Deep transfer learning-based bird species classification using mel spectrogram images

Mrinal Kanti Baowaly, Bisnu Chandra Sarkar,  [ ... ], Md. Abdus Samad

Optimal inventorying and monitoring of taxonomic, phylogenetic and functional diversity

Pedro Cardoso, Miquel A. Arnedo,  [ ... ], Renato Hilário

Species richness estimation of the Afrotropical Darwin wasps (Hymenoptera, Ichneumonidae)

Noah Meier, Mikhaila Gordon,  [ ... ], Seraina Klopfstein

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