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  • Long-term natural history data in Duchenne muscular dystrophy ambulant patients with mutations amenable to skip exons 44, 45, 51 and 53

    Claudia Brogna, Giorgia Coratti, Marika Pane, Valeria Ricotti, Sonia Messina, Adele D’Amico, Claudio Bruno, Gianluca Vita, Angela Berardinelli, Elena Mazzone, Francesca Magri, Federica Ricci, Tiziana Mongini, Roberta Battini, Luca Bello, Elena Pegoraro, Giovanni Baranello, Stefano C. Previtali, Luisa Politano, Giacomo P. Comi, Valeria A. Sansone, Alice Donati, Enrico Bertini, Francesco Muntoni, Nathalie Goemans, Eugenio Mercuri, on behalf on the International DMD group

    published 25 Jun 2019

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