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  • Age, corticosteroid treatment and site of mutations affect motor functional changes in young boys with Duchenne Muscular Dystrophy

    Giorgia Coratti, Jacopo Lenkowicz, Giulia Norcia, Simona Lucibello, Elisabetta Ferraroli, Adele d’Amico, Luca Bello, Elena Pegoraro, Sonia Messina, Federica Ricci, Tiziana Mongini, Angela Berardinelli, Riccardo Masson, Stefano C. Previtali, Grazia D’angelo, Francesca Magri, Giacomo P. Comi, Luisa Politano, Luigia Passamano, Gianluca Vita, Valeria A. Sansone, Emilio Albamonte, Chiara Panicucci, Claudio Bruno, Antonella Pini, Enrico Bertini, Stefano Patarnello, Marika Pane, Eugenio Mercuri, for the italian DMD study group

    published 29 Jul 2022

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  • Medical management of muscle weakness in Duchenne muscular dystrophy

    Sarah R. Rivera, Sumit K. Jhamb, Hoda Z. Abdel-Hamid, Gyula Acsadi, John Brandsema, Emma Ciafaloni, Basil T. Darras, Susan T. Iannaccone, Chamindra G. Konersman, Nancy L. Kuntz, Craig M. McDonald, Julie A. Parsons, Carolina Tesi Rocha, Craig M. Zaidman, Russell J. Butterfield, Anne M. Connolly, Katherine D. Mathews

    published 19 Oct 2020

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