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Showing 40 - 52 of 4,550

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Estimating the replicability of highly cited clinical research (2004–2018)

Gabriel Gonçalves da Costa, Kleber Neves, Olavo Amaral

Protein ligand binding site prediction using graph transformer neural network

Ryuichiro Ishitani, Mizuki Takemoto, Kentaro Tomii

Strengthening research networks: Insights from a clinical research network in Brazil

Juliana Freitas Lopes, Arnaldo Cézar Couto, André Daher, Bruna de Paula Fonseca

Investigating the efficacy of transcranial direct current stimulation on chronic pain management in endometriosis patients: A randomized controlled trial protocol

Tatiana Camila de Lima Alves da Silva, Hégila da Silva Dantas,  [ ... ], Maria Thereza Albuquerque Barbosa Cabral Micussi

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