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Showing 1 - 13 of 342

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Measuring the rate of NADPH consumption by glutathione reductase in the cytosol and mitochondria

Kenneth K. Y. Ting, Eric Floro,  [ ... ], Jonathan V. Rocheleau

Glutathione transferase P1 is modified by palmitate

Vanessa Marensi, Megan C. Yap,  [ ... ], Elaine M. Leslie

Substrate preference of protein kinase B isoforms can vary depending on the cell line

Miguel S. Palma, Samantha R. Perez, Aida Husain, Deepali Bhandari

Agent-based vs. equation-based multi-scale modeling for macrophage polarization

Sarah B. Minucci, Rebecca L. Heise, Angela M. Reynolds

Quantification of the calcium signaling deficit in muscles devoid of triadin

Carlo Manno, Eshwar Tammineni,  [ ... ], Eduardo Ríos

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