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Mucosal injuries from indwelling catheters: A scoping review

Katarina E. Göransson, Ann-Christin von Vogelsang, Gabriella Engström

Trends in hospitalisation for urinary tract infection in adults aged 18–65 by sex in Spain: 2000 to 2015

Jesús Redondo-Sánchez, Ricardo Rodríguez-Barrientos,  [ ... ], Isabel del Cura-González

Rosmarinic acid ameliorates HCl-induced cystitis in rats

Naoya Kitamura, Yasunori Yamamoto, Naoki Yamamoto, Takatoshi Murase

Trends in urinary tract infection hospitalization in older adults in Spain from 2000-2015

Jesús Redondo-Sánchez, Isabel del Cura-González,  [ ... ], Ángel Gil-de Miguel

Prostate cancer survivors with symptoms of radiation cystitis have elevated fibrotic and vascular proteins in urine

Bernadette M. M. Zwaans, Heinz E. Nicolai, Michael B. Chancellor, Laura E. Lamb

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