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Showing 3,693 - 3,705 of 3,732

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Molecular Characterization of Spontaneous Mesenchymal Stem Cell Transformation

Daniel Rubio, Silvia Garcia,  [ ... ], Antonio Bernad

High Levels of MeCP2 Depress MHC Class I Expression in Neuronal Cells

Julie Miralvès, Eddy Magdeleine,  [ ... ], Etienne Joly

Role of PSIP1/LEDGF/p75 in Lentiviral Infectivity and Integration Targeting

Heather M. Marshall, Keshet Ronen,  [ ... ], Frederic D. Bushman

Identification of Novel High-Frequency DNA Methylation Changes in Breast Cancer

Jared M. Ordway, Muhammad A. Budiman,  [ ... ], Jeffrey A. Jeddeloh

Monoallelic Expression of Multiple Genes in the CNS

Jinhui Wang, Zuzana Valo, David Smith, Judith Singer-Sam

Widespread Epigenetic Abnormalities Suggest a Broad DNA Methylation Erasure Defect in Abnormal Human Sperm

Sahar Houshdaran, Victoria K. Cortessis,  [ ... ], Rebecca Z. Sokol

Distinctive Core Histone Post-Translational Modification Patterns in Arabidopsis thaliana

Kangling Zhang, Vaniyambadi V. Sridhar,  [ ... ], Jian-Kang Zhu

An RNA Polymerase III-Dependent Heterochromatin Barrier at Fission Yeast Centromere 1

Kristin C. Scott, Caroline V. White, Huntington F. Willard

γH2AX Foci Form Preferentially in Euchromatin after Ionising-Radiation

Ian G. Cowell, Nicola J. Sunter,  [ ... ], Michael J. Tilby

Nullomers: Really a Matter of Natural Selection?

Claudia Acquisti, George Poste, David Curtiss, Sudhir Kumar

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