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Embryonic and foetal expression patterns of the ciliopathy gene CEP164

L. A. Devlin, S. A. Ramsbottom,  [ ... ], J. A. Sayer

Endogenous Na+, K+-ATPase inhibitors and CSF [Na+] contribute to migraine formation

Noah B. Gross, Nastaren Abad,  [ ... ], Michael G. Harrington

Fetuin-A protein distribution in mature inflamed and ischemic brain tissue

Miriam Christina Heinen, Anne Babler,  [ ... ], Martin Häusler

Histological validation of calcifications in the human hippocampus as seen on computed tomography

Melissa E. M. Peters, Remko Kockelkoren,  [ ... ], Pim A. de Jong

Predictive value of serum transthyretin for outcome in acute ischemic stroke

Wojciech Ambrosius, Slawomir Michalak,  [ ... ], Wojciech Kozubski

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