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Showing 1 - 13 of 91

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Presence of Triatoma breyeri (Reduviidae, Triatominae) in Bolivia

Frédéric Lardeux, Alberto Llanos,  [ ... ], Lineth Garcia

ELISA with recombinant antigen Lb6H validated for the diagnosis of American tegumentary leishmaniasis

Ruth Tamara Valencia-Portillo, José Angelo Lindoso,  [ ... ], Maria Carmen Arroyo Sanchez

Trajectory-driven computational analysis for element characterization in Trypanosoma cruzi video microscopy

Geovani L. Martins, Daniel S. Ferreira,  [ ... ], Andrea G. C. Bianchi

Signature of cardiac alterations in early and late chronic infections with Trypanosoma cruzi in mice

Bárbara Carolina Arias-Argáez, Victor Manuel Dzul-Huchim,  [ ... ], Eric Dumonteil

Accuracy and reliability of focused echocardiography in patients with Chagas disease from endemic areas: SaMi-Trop cohort study

Isabella Morais Martins Barros, Marcio Vinicius L. Barros,  [ ... ], Maria Carmo Pereira Nunes

Deforestation effects on Attalea palms and their resident Rhodnius, vectors of Chagas disease, in eastern Amazonia

Walter Souza Santos, Rodrigo Gurgel-Gonçalves, Lourdes Maria Garcez, Fernando Abad-Franch

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