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Showing 1 - 13 of 18,011

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Hepatic transcript profiling in beef cattle: Effects of feeding endophyte-infected tall fescue seeds

Gastón F. Alfaro, Valentino Palombo,  [ ... ], Sonia J. Moisá

Metabolic profiles in drought-tolerant wheat with enhanced abscisic acid sensitivity

Yuanjie Weng, Ryosuke Mega,  [ ... ], Masanori Okamoto

Remdesivir alleviates skin fibrosis by suppressing TGF-β1 signaling pathway

Jianwei Zhang, Xiujun Zhang,  [ ... ], Honggang Zhou

Evaluation of MCL-1 as a prognostic factor in canine mammary gland tumors

Jaeho Cho, Heaji Chung, Sungin Lee, Wan Hee Kim

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