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Showing 1 - 13 of 295

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The strength of balance: Strength and dynamic balance in children with and without hypermobility

Oluwakemi A. Ituen, Jacques Duysens, Gillian Ferguson, Bouwien Smits-Engelsman

The effects of plantarflexor weakness and reduced tendon stiffness with aging on gait stability

Ross E. Smith, Andrew D. Shelton, Gregory S. Sawicki, Jason R. Franz

Fall prediction in a quiet standing balance test via machine learning: Is it possible?

Juliana Pennone, Natasha Fioretto Aguero,  [ ... ], Alexandre Alarcon do Passo Suaide

Effect of foot orthoses on balance among individuals with flatfoot: A systematic review and meta-analysis

Chatanun Chinpeerasathian, Phyu Sin Oo, Akkradate Siriphorn, Praneet Pensri

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