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  • Brigatinib causes tumor shrinkage in both NF2-deficient meningioma and schwannoma through inhibition of multiple tyrosine kinases but not ALK

    Long-Sheng Chang, Janet L. Oblinger, Abbi E. Smith, Marc Ferrer, Steven P. Angus, Eric Hawley, Alejandra M. Petrilli, Roberta L. Beauchamp, Lars Björn Riecken, Serkan Erdin, Ming Poi, Jie Huang, Waylan K. Bessler, Xiaohu Zhang, Rajarshi Guha, Craig Thomas, Sarah S. Burns, Thomas S. K. Gilbert, Li Jiang, Xiaohong Li, Qingbo Lu, Jin Yuan, Yongzheng He, Shelley A. H. Dixon, Andrea Masters, David R. Jones, Charles W. Yates, Stephen J. Haggarty, Salvatore La Rosa, D. Bradley Welling, Anat O. Stemmer-Rachamimov, Scott R. Plotkin, James F. Gusella, Justin Guinney, Helen Morrison, Vijaya Ramesh, Cristina Fernandez-Valle, Gary L. Johnson, Jaishri O. Blakeley, D. Wade Clapp, on behalf of the Synodos for NF2 Consortium

    published 15 Jul 2021

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  • Familial Hypercholesterolemia in the Arabian Gulf Region: Clinical results of the Gulf FH Registry

    Khalid F. Alhabib, Khalid Al-Rasadi, Turky H. Almigbal, Mohammed A. Batais, Ibrahim Al-Zakwani, Faisal A. Al-Allaf, Khalid Al-Waili, Fahad Zadjali, Mohammad Alghamdi, Fahad Alnouri, Zuhier Awan, Abdulhalim J. Kinsara, Ahmed AlQudaimi, Wael Almahmeed, Hani Sabbour, Mahmoud Traina, Bassam Atallah, Mohammed Al-Jarallah, Ahmad AlSarraf, Nasreen AlSayed, Haitham Amin, Hani Altaradi

    published 04 Jun 2021

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