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Showing 14 - 26 of 487

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Is retina affected in Huntington’s disease? Is optical coherence tomography a good biomarker?

Pavel Dusek, Ales Kopal,  [ ... ], Jana Lizrova Preiningerova

Merlin tumor suppressor function is regulated by PIP2-mediated dimerization

Robert F. Hennigan, Craig S. Thomson,  [ ... ], Nancy Ratner

The Genomic landscape of short tandem repeats across multiple ancestries

Prashanth Vijayaraghavan, Sergey Batalov,  [ ... ], Matthew Bainbridge

Reduction in PA28αβ activation in HD mouse brain correlates to increased mHTT aggregation in cell models

Karlijne W. Geijtenbeek, Jolien Janzen,  [ ... ], Sabine Schipper-Krom

miR-20a is upregulated in serum from domestic feline with PKD1 mutation

Marcela Correa Scalon, Christine Souza Martins,  [ ... ], Giane Regina Paludo

Objective and subjective measures of sleep in men with Muscular Dystrophy

Christopher I. Morse, Gladys Onambele-Pearson,  [ ... ], Matthew F. Jacques

Huntington’s disease phenotypes are improved via mTORC1 modulation by small molecule therapy

Sophie St-Cyr, Daniel D. Child,  [ ... ], Beverly L. Davidson

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