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Showing 92 - 103 of 103

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Variability of the QuantiFERON®-TB Gold In-Tube Test Using Automated and Manual Methods

William C. Whitworth, Donald J. Goodwin,  [ ... ], Gerald H. Mazurek

An Automated Microfluidic Multiplexer for Fast Delivery of C. elegans Populations from Multiwells

Navid Ghorashian, Sertan Kutal Gökçe,  [ ... ], Adela Ben-Yakar

An Automated HIV-1 Env-Pseudotyped Virus Production for Global HIV Vaccine Trials

Anke Schultz, Stefanie Koch,  [ ... ], Andreas Meyerhans

Automation Technology and Sense of Control: A Window on Human Agency

Bruno Berberian, Jean-Christophe Sarrazin, Patrick Le Blaye, Patrick Haggard

The Structure of the EU Mediasphere

Ilias Flaounas, Marco Turchi,  [ ... ], Nello Cristianini

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