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Showing 66 - 78 of 103

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Workload measurement for molecular genetics laboratory: A survey study

Enrico Tagliafico, Isabella Bernardis,  [ ... ], on behalf of the Molecular Genetics Working Group of the Italian Society of Human Genetics, SIGU

Susceptibility to audio signals during autonomous driving

Remo M. A. van der Heiden, Christian P. Janssen,  [ ... ], J. Leon Kenemans

Identification and control of a multiplace hyperbaric chamber

Luis Gracia, Carlos Perez-Vidal, Jose M. de Paco, Luis M. de Paco

Validation of an automated system for aliquoting of HIV-1 Env-pseudotyped virus stocks

Anke Schultz, Anja Germann,  [ ... ], Hagen von Briesen

Examining accident reports involving autonomous vehicles in California

Francesca M. Favarò, Nazanin Nader,  [ ... ], Naresh Varadaraju

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