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Showing 209 - 221 of 239

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New Insights in Gut Microbiota Establishment in Healthy Breast Fed Neonates

Ted Jost, Christophe Lacroix, Christian P. Braegger, Christophe Chassard

The Metagenome of an Anaerobic Microbial Community Decomposing Poplar Wood Chips

Daniel van der Lelie, Safiyh Taghavi,  [ ... ], Susannah G. Tringe

The Effect of Feeding Bt MON810 Maize to Pigs for 110 Days on Intestinal Microbiota

Stefan G. Buzoianu, Maria C. Walsh,  [ ... ], Peadar G. Lawlor

An In Vivo Polymicrobial Biofilm Wound Infection Model to Study Interspecies Interactions

Trevor Dalton, Scot E. Dowd,  [ ... ], Kendra P. Rumbaugh

A Novel Acyl-CoA Beta-Transaminase Characterized from a Metagenome

Alain Perret, Christophe Lechaplais,  [ ... ], Marcel Salanoubat

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