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Predictors of non-adherence to antihypertensive medications: A cross-sectional study from a regional hospital in Afghanistan

Muhammad Haroon Stanikzai, Mohammad Hashim Wafa,  [ ... ], Charuai Suwanbamrung

Double burden of malnutrition in Afghanistan: Secondary analysis of a national survey

Obaidullah Fahim, Shafiqullah Shahim,  [ ... ], Ahmad Esmaillzadeh

Challenges in antenatal care utilization in Kandahar, Afghanistan: A cross-sectional analytical study

Bilal Ahmad Rahimi, Enayatullah Mohamadi,  [ ... ], Walter R. Taylor

Assessing the asymmetric war-growth nexus: A case of Afghanistan

Mohammad Ajmal Hameed, Mohammad Mafizur Rahman, Rasheda Khanam

The association of religion with maternal and child health outcomes in South Asian countries

Aparna G. Kachoria, Mohammad Yousuf Mubarak,  [ ... ], Abram L. Wagner

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