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Showing 1 - 13 of 36

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Differentiation of acanthamoeba keratitis from other non-acanthamoeba keratitis: Risk factors and clinical features

Shaker Osaywid Alreshidi, José Manuel Vargas,  [ ... ], Mohanna Aljindan

The amoebicidal effect of Torreya nucifera extract on Acanthamoeba lugdunensis

Min Seung Kang, Sangyoon Kim,  [ ... ], Ji Eun Lee

Outcomes of amoebic, fungal, and bacterial keratitis: A retrospective cohort study

Caitlin A. Moe, Prajna Lalitha,  [ ... ], Jeremy D. Keenan

Contact lenses contamination by Acanthamoeba spp. in Upper Egypt

Faten A. M. Hassan, M. E. M. Tolba,  [ ... ], Sara S. Abdel-Hakeem

Chorismate mutase peptide antibody enables specific detection of Acanthamoeba

Hae-Ahm Lee, Ki-Back Chu,  [ ... ], Eun-Kyung Moon

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