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  • Hsp70 and DNAJA2 limit CFTR levels through degradation

    Patrick Kim Chiaw, Christine Hantouche, Michael J. H. Wong, Elizabeth Matthes, Renaud Robert, John W. Hanrahan, Alvin Shrier, Jason C. Young

    published 13 Aug 2019

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  • Physiological changes of growth hormone during lactation in pup rats artificially reared

    Cesar G. Toriz, Angel I. Melo, Carmen Solano-Agama, Edgar Giovanhi Gómez-Domínguez, Ma. de los Angeles Martínez-Muñoz, Jorge Castañeda-Obeso, Eunice Vera-Aguilar, Elsa Liliana Aguirre-Benítez, Lucero Romero-Aguilar, Margarita González-del Pliego, Ismael Jiménez-Estrada, Maricela Luna, Juan Pablo Pardo, Javier Camacho, Maria Eugenia Mendoza-Garrido

    published 13 Aug 2019

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