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Wing morphology predicts individual niche specialization in Pteronotus mesoamericanus (Mammalia: Chiroptera)

Hernani Fernandes Magalhães de Oliveira, Nícholas Ferreira Camargo,  [ ... ], Elizabeth L. Clare

Mechanism to prevent the abuse of IPv6 fragmentation in OpenFlow networks

Ayman Al-Ani, Mohammed Anbar, Shams A. Laghari, Ahmed K. Al-Ani

Effective coupling of rapid freeze-quench to high-frequency electron paramagnetic resonance

E. Gabriele Panarelli, Harmen van der Meer, Peter Gast, Edgar J J. Groenen

Post-stroke infections associated with spleen volume reduction: A pilot study

Amber Nous, Ilse Peeters,  [ ... ], Sylvie De Raedt

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