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HSC-MET: Heterogeneous signcryption scheme supporting multi-ciphertext equality test for Internet of Drones

  • Xiaodong Yang ,

    Contributed equally to this work with: Xiaodong Yang, Ningning Ren

    Roles Writing – original draft, Writing – review & editing

    Affiliation Department of Computer Science and Engineering, Northwest Normal University, Lanzhou, Gansu, China

  • Ningning Ren ,

    Contributed equally to this work with: Xiaodong Yang, Ningning Ren

    Roles Writing – original draft, Writing – review & editing

    Affiliation Department of Computer Science and Engineering, Northwest Normal University, Lanzhou, Gansu, China

  • Aijia Chen ,

    Roles Writing – review & editing

    ‡ AC, ZW and CW also contributed equally to this work.

    Affiliation Department of Computer Science and Engineering, Northwest Normal University, Lanzhou, Gansu, China

  • Zhisong Wang ,

    Roles Writing – review & editing

    ‡ AC, ZW and CW also contributed equally to this work.

    Affiliation Department of Computer Science and Engineering, Northwest Normal University, Lanzhou, Gansu, China

  • Caifen Wang

    Roles Writing – review & editing

    ‡ AC, ZW and CW also contributed equally to this work.

    Affiliation Department of Big Data and Internet, Shenzhen Technology University, Shenzhen, Guangdong, China


Internet of Drones (IoD) is considered as a network and management architecture, which can enable unmanned aerial vehicles (UAVs) to collect data in controlled areas and conduct access control for UAVs. However, the current cloud-assisted IoD scheme cannot efficiently achieve secure communication between heterogeneous cryptosystems, and does not support multi-ciphertext equality tests. To improve the security and performance of traditional schemes, we propose a heterogeneous signcryption scheme (HSC-MET) that supports multi-ciphertext equality test. In this paper, we use a multi-ciphertext equality test technique to achieve multi-user simultaneous retrieval of multiple ciphertexts safely and efficiently. In addition, we adopt heterogeneous signcryption technology to realize secure data communication from public key infrastructure (PKI) to certificateless cryptography (CLC). At the same time, the proposed scheme based on the computation without bilinear pairing, which greatly reduces the computational cost. According to the security and performance analysis, under the random oracle model (ROM), the confidentiality, unforgeability and number security of HSC-MET are proved based on the computational Diffie-Hellman (CDH) problem.


Unmanned aerial vehicles(UAVs) [1, 2] as devices using radio remote control technology and self-provided program control mechanism, have the advantages of small size, low cost, and flexible deployment. As a result, it is widely used in film and television shooting, environmental monitoring, and smart farms. To provide coordinated and orderly access for UAVs, the Internet of Drones(IoD) [35] came into being. IoD is a sophisticated heterogeneous network containing a large number of sensors and actuators. In IoD environment, entities communicate through open wireless channels, thus facing many privacy and security issues [6]. Entities in IoD also have limited computing and storage capabilities, so it is extremely important to design an efficient and secure algorithm. Bharany et al. [7] proposed a clustering protocol for flying ad-hoc networks (FANETs) based on a moth flame optimization algorithm for safe and efficient UAV access. It ensures UAVs’ efficient and safe access while also improving FANET fault tolerance. Bharany et al. [8] proposed a unique clustering algorithm EE-SS for FANETs to increase the service life of UAVs in forest fire detection, which reduced cluster head overhead and improved system efficiency. With the wide application of UAVs, the storage and processing of big data in IoD have become a top priority. Fortunately, cloud computing technology can provide users with computing services regardless of time and place. However, since cloud servers are not trusted, data is usually encrypted or signcrypted and stored in cloud servers, which makes efficient data retrieval difficult.

To ensure the security of UAVs, Bera et al. [9] proposed a blockchain-based secure access control scheme to achieve authentication between drones and between drones and a ground station server. The scheme satisfies the immutability of data. Hussain et al. [10] proposed an authentication scheme based on elliptic curve cryptography to secure the communication between a data user and a drone. Khan et al. [11] proposed an identity-based proxy signcryption scheme based on hyperelliptic curves. The scheme allows for outsourced decryption to reduce the computational cost. They proved that the scheme satisfies indistinguishability against adaptive selected scrambled text attacks and existential forgery for adaptive selected plaintext attacks under the ROM. Gope and Sikdar [12] proposed an efficient privacy-aware authenticated key agreement scheme for edge-assisted IoD. The scheme does not need to store any secret keys in the devices but still can provide the desired security features. But the IoD is a heterogeneous and complex network, so these schemes in [912] are inapplicable. To realize secure communication between heterogeneous cryptosystems, Sun and Li [13] proposed a heterogeneous signcryption scheme (HSC), which realized the secure communication from public key infrastructure (PKI) to identity-based cryptography (IBC). Inspired by Sun and Li, many HSC schemes have been proposed [1420].

Although the schemes proposed in [1420] have realized the secure communication between heterogeneous cryptosystems, it does not consider the efficient retrieval of ciphertexts. Cloud storage has brought great convenience, but this approach reduces the availability of data. Boneh et al. [21] proposed to use keyword search-based public key encryption (PKE-KS) to realize ciphertext retrieval in cloud servers, but it only supports retrieval of ciphertext encrypted with the same public key. To improve this limitation, Yang et al. [22] proposed a public key encryption scheme that supports the ciphertext equality test (PKE-ET), which allows users to compare two ciphertexts obtained by using the different public keys. Subsequently, scholars have proposed a series of similar schemes [2327], but these schemes only support the equality test after dividing two ciphertexts into a group. Therefore, it faces the challenges of low retrieval efficiency and high computational cost. To reduce computational cost and improve the efficiency of ciphertext retrieval, Susilo et al. [28] proposed public-key encryption with flexible multi-ciphertext equality test (PKE-FMET). Although this scheme supports the equality test of more than two ciphertexts, there are problems such as not satisfying message authentication and communication between heterogeneous cryptosystems.

Our contributions

With the motivation of solving the above-mentioned problems, we present a heterogeneous signcryption scheme that supports the multi-ciphertext equality test (HSC-MET). The main contributions are as follows.

  1. Our scheme utilizes heterogeneous signcryption technology to realize secure communication from PKI to certificateless public key cryptography (CLC), eliminating the limitation of existing schemes that only support communication in the same cryptosystem.
  2. We adopt the multi-ciphertext equality testing technique to address the limitations of pairwise ciphertext equality testing to reduce the computational cost required for ciphertext equality testing in multi-user and multi-ciphertext environments.
  3. Our scheme is based on computation without bilinear pairing, which greatly reduces the computing cost and improves the communication and retrieval efficiency for the problem of limited computing resources of UAVs.
  4. Our scheme is proven to meet unforgeability and confidentiality based on the CDH problem under the ROM. We demonstrated our scheme’s number security using the definition of a new security number-security proposed in [26].
  5. We compared our scheme with similar schemes in terms of confidentiality, unforgeability, and computational costs. Analysis results show that our scheme meets higher confidentiality, unforgeability and lower computational costs.


The rest of this paper is structured as follows. The complexity assumption, Kramer’s rule, Vandermonde determinant, formal definition, and security design are all introduced in section 2. The system design is presented in section 3. In section 4, we go over the algorithm processes of the HSC-MET scheme in detail. section 5 describes our scheme’s correct analyses. Our scheme’s securities were proven in section 6. Section 7 then compares the performance of our scheme to existing similar schemes in terms of efficiency and function. Finally, in section 8, we summarize the paper’s conclusion.

Related work

Table 1 summarizes the functional properties, confidentiality, and unforgeability analyses of the references [1328].

The concept of heterogeneous signcryption (HSC) was proposed by Sun and Li [13]. Although their scheme realizes the heterogeneous communication from PKI to IBC, it has low security performances and high computational costs. Inspired by Sun and Li, many scholars have studied HSC. Eltayeeb et al. [14] proposed a HSC scheme without pairing computation, which realizes secure communication from CLC to PKI. Ali et al. [15] designed a HSC scheme from IBC to PKI to realize heterogeneous communication between vehicles and other entities in VANETs. The scheme supported the receivers to decrypt messages in batches, which greatly reduced the computational cost. Qiu et al. [16] proposed a HSC scheme based on the dense communication and heterogeneity of the intelligent mobile Internet of Things, which realized secure communication from IBC to CLC. The proposed scheme does not need to perform bilinear pairing operations and outsources part of the verification operations to the gateway, which greatly reduces the calculation and communication overhead of the sender and the receiver. Cao et al. [17] proposed an improved mutual HSC scheme between PKI and IBC for problems, in which the scheme of Wang et al. [18] could not resist attacks. They analyzed the security of the proposed scheme based on the assumption of the CDH problem. However, the scheme of Cao et al. uses bilinear pairing, which has a significant computational overhead. Luo et al. [19] proposed a mutual HSC scheme based on different system parameters for 5G network slices, which realized the mutual communication between CLC and PKI cryptosystem and satisfied the anonymity of messages. Ji et al. [20] proposed a mutual HSC scheme based on PKI and IBC, and proved the confidentiality and unforgeability of the scheme based on the q-Diffie-Hellman inverse problem.

The concept of PKE-ET was proposed by Yang et al. [22]. A tester can determine whether the underlying plaintext corresponding to two ciphertexts encrypted with different public keys is equal according to [22]. It has attracted the attention of many scholars. Rashad et al. [23] proposed CL-PKC-ET, a certificateless public key cryptography with equality test, to support the ciphertext equality test in IoV. Li et al. [24] designed a cryptographic scheme in IoT-based healthcare systems using proxy re-encryption and ciphertext equality test technology. The scheme realizes the flexible sharing of medical data. Shen et al. [29] proposed a group public key encryption scheme supporting equality test without bilinear pairings, G-PKEET, which greatly reduces the computational overhead. In [2224, 29], anyone can perform the equality test algorithm on two ciphertexts, which brings many security risks. Therefore, there are many authorized equality test schemes were presented [3032], in which only the authorized tester is promised to execute the equality test algorithm. Furthermore, some equality test schemes for heterogeneous systems have been proposed. Xiong et al. [25] proposed a HSC scheme supporting the ciphertext equality test for Internet of Things (IIOT). The scheme realizes a flexible ciphertext equality test under heterogeneous communication between sensors in PKI and cloud server in IBC. They also prove the security of the scheme in ROM. Xiong et al. [26] proposed a HSC scheme from IBC to PKI with equality test (HSCIP-ET), which realized secure communication between sensors and data users. According to the IoT application scenario, Hou et al. [27] proposed a HSC scheme supporting the ciphertext equality test, which realized secure communication between PKI and CLC. In [2527], the schemes only support equality testing after grouping two ciphertexts and have many bilinear pairing operations. As a result, they face the challenges of low retrieval efficiency and high computational costs. Susilo et al. [28] proposed public-key encryption with flexible multi-ciphertext equality test (PKE-FMET) to achieve efficient ciphertext retrieval in multi-user scenarios.


Complexity assumption

Definition 1. Computational Diffie-Hellman (CDH) problem [27]: Given a group G, and (P, aP, bP) ∈ G, computing abPG, where .

Cramer’s rule

For the non-homogeneous linear equation set its coefficient determinant is If det(V) ≠ 0, then there is a unique solution for the equation set.

Vandermonde determinant

The matrix of the form called the Vandermonde matrix, and the corresponding Vandermonde determinant is .

Formal definition

The HSC-MET scheme consists of the following algorithms.

  1. Setup: Input the system security parameter λ, and the key generation center (KGC) and certificate authority (CA) output the system master key s and system parameter para. The KGC publicizes para and keeps s secretly.
  2. PKI-Gen: Input the identity IDp of the PKI system user, and the CA outputs a digital certificate.
  3. CLC-PGen: Input the system parameter para and identity IDc of the CLC system user, and the KGC outputs the partial private-public key pair.
  4. CLC-SSV: IDc selects randomly and sets it as a secret value.
  5. CLC-CGen: Input the system parameter para, the secret value s2, partial private-public key pair (SKc1, PKc1), and the user outputs the complete private-public key pair (SKc, PKc).
  6. Trapdoor: Input the private key SKc, and the user outputs tdc as trapdoor.
  7. Signcryption: Input the system parameter para, the plaintext message m, the receiver’s public key PKc, and the sender’s private key SKp, and the sender calculates the ciphertext δ.
  8. Unsigncryption: Input the system parameter para, ciphertext δ, receiver’s private key key SKc and sender’s public key PKp, and the receiver outputs the plaintext message m or error symbol ⊥.
  9. Test: Input ciphertexts δi and trapdoors tdi where i ∈ {1, 2, ⋯, t}, the cloud server outputs error symbol ⊥ or multi-ciphertext equality test result 0/1.

Security model

In the ROM, the HSC-MET scheme needs to meet the confidentiality of the message, IND-CCA2, and the unforgeability of ciphertext, EUF-CMA.


We define two types of adversaries, Type-1 and Type-2. A Type-1 adversary does not know the system master key, but can replace any user’s public key. A Type-2 adversary can obtain the system master key, but cannot replace any user’s public key.

Definition 2. If no Type-1 adversary wins game 1 with a non-negligible advantage in PPT, the HSC-MET scheme satisfies IND-CCA2–1.

Game 1. The game process between challenger and adversary is as follows.

Setup: executes the setup algorithm, outputs the system parameter para and the master key s, returns para to , and stores s secretly.

Phase 1: can perform limited following polynomial queries.

  • Partial private key query: queries for the partial private key of IDc. executes the CLC-PGen algorithm to generate SKc1 and return it to .
  • Private key query: queries for the private key of IDc. executes the CLC-CGen algorithm to generate (SKc, PKc) and return SKc to .
  • Public key query: queries for the public key of IDc. executes the CLC-CGen algorithm to generate (SKc, PKc) and return PKc to .
  • Replace public key query: can select any public key to replace the original public key PKc2.
  • Trapdoor query: queries for the trapdoor of IDc. executes the Trapdoor algorithm to generate tdc and return it to .
  • Signcryption query: When receiving the query with (mi, IDpi, IDci) submitted by , executes the Signcryption algorithm to generate δi, and returns it to .
  • Unsigncryption query: When receiving the query with (IDpi, IDci, δi) submitted by , executes the Unsigncryption algorithm to generate mi, and returns it to .

Challenge: selects the sender’s identity , receiver’s identity and two plaintexts of equal length m0 and m1 to . selects randomly ξ ∈ {0, 1} and performs the signcryption algorithm to generate ciphertext δ* and return it to .

Phase 2: After receiving δ*, the adversary continues to execute the queries in Phase 1. However, can neither query the private key of , nor can make unsigncryption query of . also can’t query the trapdoor of .

Guess: outputs a guess value ξ* ∈ {0, 1}. wins the game if ξ* = ξ. We define the advantage of as , where Pr[ξ* = ξ] represents the probability of ξ* = ξ.

Definition 3. If no Type-2 adversary wins game 2 with a non-negligible advantage in PPT, the HSC-MET scheme satisfies IND-CCA2–2 security.

Game 2. The game process between challenger and adversary is as follows.

Setup: executes the setup algorithm, outputs the system parameter para and the master key s, and returns them to .

Phase 1: can perform all the queries in Definition 2 except the replace public key query.

The challenge, phase 2, and guess stage are the same as Definition 2 and will not be repeated here. We define the advantage of as where Pr[ξ* = ξ] represents the probability of ξ* = ξ.


Definition 4. If no adversary wins Game 3 with a non-negligible advantage ε in PPT, it is said that the HSC-MET scheme can satisfy EUF-CMA security.

Game 3. The game between challenger and adversary is as follows.

Training: can perform limited following polynomial queries.

  • Key query: queries for the public key of IDp, and executes the PKI-Gen algorithm to generate (SKp, PKp) and return to .
  • Signcryption query: When receiving the query with (mi, IDpi, IDci) submitted by , executes the signcryption algorithm to generate δi, and returns it to .
  • Unsigncryption query: When receiving the query with (IDpi, IDci, δi) submitted by , executes the unsigncryption algorithm to obtain mi, and returns it to .

Forgery: selects the sender’s identity and the receiver’s identity , and forges a ciphertext δ*. If δ* can meet the following requirements, can win the Game 3.

  1. The error symbol ⊥ will not be returned when the unsigncryption query is performed on .
  2. The adversary can not query for the private key of the .
  3. δ* cannot be generated by the signcryption query of .

We define the advantage of to win in this game as .

Scheme design

  1. Research questions and methodologies: Table 2 displays the main research problems and relevant solutions of this paper, which are based on the previous relevant work subsection’s collections and analyses of references.
  2. Scheme processes:
    • Setup: The KGC and CA initialize the system and generate the system parameters.
    • User-Gen: The CA generates digital certificates for UAVs in PKI. The KGC generates partial keys for data users in CLC.
    • Signcrypt and upload: UAVs signcrypt the collected data and upload it to the cloud server.
    • Test: The cloud server performs the equality test for multi-ciphertexts.
    • Download and unsigncrypt: Data users download and unsigncrypt data from the cloud server.
  3. System model: The system model of our scheme is composed of five entities: KGC, CA, UAVs, cloud server and data users. The functions of each entity are as follows. The system model diagram is shown in Fig 1.
    • KGC. The KGC initializes the system, generates the key and system parameter, and distributes partial keys to data users.
    • CA. The CA issues digital certificates for UAVs.
    • UAVs. UAVs collect and signcrypt the collected environmental data, and upload it to the cloud server.
    • Cloud server. The cloud server stores the uploaded ciphertext, and processes the data user’s request to execute the test algorithm, and returns the test result to the users.
    • Data users. Users who wish to obtain environmental data, such as monitoring personnel and data processing centers, are responsible for submitting the trapdoor of the ciphertext equality test to the cloud server and verifying the ciphertext that meets the requirements.

Our construction

  1. Setup: Given the system security parameter λ. KGC selects a large prime number q(q ≥ 2λ) and an additive cyclic group G with order q and generator P. Four hash functions, , H2: G → {0, 1}2l, H3: G → {0, 1}nl and H4: {0, 1}* → {0, 1}λ are defined. KGC randomly selects as the system master key SK and calculates the public key PK = sP. It also selects the maximum number of ciphertexts that can perform the multi-ciphertext equality test, n. KGC sets and exposes para = {λ, G, q, P, PK, H1, H2, H3, H4, n}.
  2. PKI-Gen: IDp selects randomly, and calculates PKp = spP. The user sends (IDp, PKp) to CA which generates a digital certificate for it.
  3. CLC-PGen: When receiving the registration request from IDc, KGC randomly selects , and calculates PKc1 = s1P and SKc1 = s1 + SKH1(IDc). Then the KGC returns (SKc1, PKc1) to IDc securely.
  4. CLC-SSV: IDc randomly selects as a secret value.
  5. CLC-CGen: IDc sets SKc2 = s2, PKc2 = s2P, SKc = (SKc1, SKc2) and PKc = (PKc1, PKc2).
  6. Trapdoor: Input the private key SKc = (SKc1, SKc2), output the tdc = SKc2.
  7. Signcryption: Input (para, m, PKc, SKp) and output δ. Specific steps are as follows.
    1. Calculate f0,n = H1(m||n) and fi,n = H1(m||n||f0,n||⋯||fi − 1, n) where i ∈ {1, 2, ⋯, n − 1}.
    2. Calculate fi,j = H1(fi,j+1) where i ∈ {k, ⋯, n − 1} & j ∈ {0, 1, ⋯, i − 1}. And calculate fi(x) = f0,i + f1,i x + ⋯ + fi − 1, i xi−1, i ∈ {k, ⋯, n}, where k is the number of ciphertexts that can be tested for equality.
    3. Select randomly. Calculate Y = SKp(PKH1(ID) + PKc1) and R = rPKc2.
    4. Calculate C1 = rP, C2 = (m||r) ⊕ H2(Y) ⊕ H2(R), C3 = (X||fk(X)||⋯ ||fn(X)) ⊕ H3(R) and C4 = H4(C1||C2||C3||f0,k||f1,k||⋯||fk − 1, k||R||k).
    5. Output the ciphertext δ = (C1, C2, C3, C4, k).
  8. Unsigncryption: Input (para, δ, PKp, SKc) and output m′ or ⊥. Specific steps are as follows.
    1. Calculate , and C2.
    2. Calculate and where i ∈ {1, 2, ⋯, n − 1}.
    3. Calculate where i ∈ {k, ⋯, n − 1} & j ∈ {0, 1, ⋯, i − 1} and .
    4. Verify that the Eqs (1), (2) and (3) are true, where i ∈ {k, ⋯, n}. (1) (2) (3)
      If the equations are all true, return . Otherwise, return ⊥.
  9. Test: Input t ciphertexts δi = (Ci,1, Ci,2, Ci, 3, Ci,4, ki) and trapdoors tdi. Let k = max{k1, k2, ⋯, kt}. If k ≤ min{t, n}, perform the following computations. Otherwise, return ⊥.
    1. Calculate and extract f1,k(X1), f2,k(X2), ⋯, fk − 1, k(Xk−1) from the ciphertexts.
    2. Assume that the plaintexts corresponding to t ciphertexts δi are equal. By calculating , we can get the non-homogeneous linear equation set
      Let where i1, i2 ∈ {1, 2, ⋯, k} and j ∈ {1, 2, ⋯, k − 1}. If , is regarded as the solution of the equation set. And Xi is regarded as the coefficient. det(V) ≠ 0 can be known according to Kramer’s rule and Vandermonde determinant. The unique solution of the equation set can be obtained.
    3. For each ciphertext δi = (Ci,1, Ci,2, Ci, 3, Ci,4, ki), verify whether the equation holds.
      If the equation is true for every δi, it represents m1 = m2 = ⋯ = mt, and the test result 1 is returned. Otherwise, 0 is returned.

Correctness analysis

Theorem 1.The unsigncryption algorithm is correct.

Proof. The correctness of the unsigncryption algorithm can be verified by the following two equations.

  1. After receiving the ciphertext δ = (C1, C2, C3, C4, k), the data user can get m′ by calculating m′ ∥r′ = H2 (Y′) ⊕ H2 (R′) ⊕ C2. Eq (4) holds. (4)
  2. The data user can calculate to verify the legitimacy of the message and signature. Eq (5) holds. (5)

Through the above verification, theorem 1 is established.

Theorem 2.The Test algorithm is correct.

Proof. The correctness of the Test algorithm can be verified by the following equations.

Given t ciphertexts δi = (Ci,1, Ci,2, Ci, 3, Ci,4, ki). Let k = max{k1, k2, ⋯, kt}. If k ≤ min{t, n}, calculate .

Assume that the plaintexts of t ciphertexts δi are m1, m2, ⋯, mt respectively.

  1. When the plaintexts corresponding to the tested t ciphertexts are equal, the correctness of the Test algorithm is proved as follows.
    If m1 = m2 = ⋯ = mt, we must have where i1, i2 ∈ {1, 2, ⋯, t} and j ∈ {0, 2, ⋯, t − 1}. Let . We can get the equation set Eq (6). (6)
    If is regarded as the solution of the equation set, and Xi is regarded as a coefficient. The equation set corresponds to the Vandermonde matrix Eq (7). (7)
    The determinant of V is . Due to the randomness of Xi, the probability of det(V) = 0 is The equation set has a unique solution when det(V) ≠ 0 from Cramer’s rule. For each ciphertext δi, the equation holds. We can get Test(para, δ1, δ2, ⋯, δk, td1, td2, ⋯, tdk) = 1.
  2. When the plaintexts corresponding to the tested t ciphertexts are not equal, the correctness of the Test algorithm is proved as follows.
    If m1m2 = ⋯ = mt, there is , where i1, i2 ∈ {2, 3, ⋯, t} and j ∈ {0, 2, ⋯, t − 1}. We can obtain the equation set Eq (8). (8)
    Let where j ∈ {0, 2, ⋯, t − 1}. The unique solution can be obtained. It cannot make the Eqs (9) and (10) hold at the same time. (9) (10)

Through the above verification, theorem 2 is established.

Security proofs


Theorem 3. If an adversary can win the Game 1 in PPT with a non-negligible advantage ε1 after Hi queries, qd partial private key queries, qsc signcryption queries and qusc unsigncryption queries, the challenger can solve the CDH problem with the nonnegligible advantage as show in Eq (11). (11)

Proof: is a challenger to solve the CDH problem. is a Type-1 adversary. Given a challenge example (P, aP, bP) where . and interact as follows.

Setup: executes the setup algorithm to output the system parameter para = {λ, G, q, P, PK, H1, H2, H3, H4, n}.

Phase 1: needs to maintain initially empty lists Lhi, i = 1, 2, 3, 4, Ld, Lsk, Lpk and Ltd to record the query results of .

  • H1 query: When receiving the query with IDi submitted by , searches for whether there is (IDi, h1) in Lh1. When it exists, returns h1 to . Otherwise, slelects randomly and returns to . inserts (IDi, hi) into Lh1 finally.
  • H2 query: When receiving the query with Ri submitted by , searches for whether there is (Ri, h2) in Lh2. When it exists, returns h2 to . Otherwise, randomly selects h2 = {0, 1}2l and returns to . And inserts (Ri, h2) into Lh2.
  • H3 query: When receiving the query with (ri, PKic2) submitted by , searches for whether there is (ri, PKic2, h3) in Lh3. When it exists, returns h3 to . Otherwise, randomly selects h3 = {0, 1}nl and returns to . And inserts (ri, PKic2, h3) into Lh3.
  • H4 query: When receiving the query with (C1,i, C2,i, C3,i, fi,k, ri, PKic2, ki) submitted by , searches for whether there is the corresponding h4 in Lh4. When it exists, returns h4 to . Otherwise, selects h4 = {0, 1}l randomly and returns to . Then inserts (C1,i, C2,i, C3,i, fi,k, ri, PKic2, ki, h4) into Lh4.
  • Partial private key query: When receiving the query with IDci from , if (IDci, SKic1) exists, returns it to . Otherwise, executes CLC-PGen algorithm to generate SKic1 and return to . inserts (IDci, SKic1) into Ld.
  • Private key query: When receiving the query with IDci from , if (IDci, SKci) exists, returns it to . Otherwise, executes CLC-CGen algorithm to generate SKci and return to . inserts (IDci, SKci) into Lsk.
  • Public key query: When receiving the query with IDci from , if (IDci, PKci) exists, returns it to . Otherwise, executes CLC-PGen algorithm to generate PKci and return to . inserts (IDci, PKci) into Lpk.
  • Replace public key query: can select any public key to replace the user’s original public key PKc2.
  • Trapdoor query: When receiving the query with IDci from , if (IDci, tdci) exists, returns it to . Otherwise, executes Trapdoor algorithm to generate tdci and return to , and inserts (IDci, tdci) into Ltd.
  • Signcryption query: When receiving the query with (mi, IDpi, IDci) submitted by , executes the Signcryption algorithm to obtain the ciphertext δi, and returns it to .
  • Unsigncryption query: When receiving the query with (IDpi, IDci, δi) submitted by , executes the Unsigncryption algorithm to obtain the plaintext mi, and returns it to .

Challenge: submits the sender’s identity , receiver’s identity , and two plaintexts m0 and m1 of the same length to . has never asked for the private key for . randomly selects as the secret value of and calculates . Then randomly selects ξ ∈ {0, 1} and performs the following calculations.

  • Calculate f0,n = H1(mξ||n) and fi,n = H1(mξ||n||f0,n||⋯||fi − 1, n) where i ∈ {1, 2, ⋯, n − 1}.
  • Calculate fi,j = H1(fi,j+1) where i ∈ {k, k + 1, ⋯, n − 1} and j ∈ {0, 1, ⋯, i − 1}.
  • Calculate fi(x) = f0,i + f1,i x + ⋯ + fi − 1, i xi−1 where i ∈ {k, k + 1, ⋯, n}.
  • Randomly select , and calculate and .
  • Calculate , , fn(X))⊕H3(R*) and .
  • returns to .

Phase 2: continues to perform the queries after receiving δ*, but cannot query the private key of the IDci, nor can it perform unsigncryption query on δ*.

Guess: outputs the guess value ξ*. If ξ* = ξ, wins the game. will select (Ri, H2(Ri)) from the list Lh2 and take Ri = abP as the solution of the CDH problem. However, there is currently no effective way to solve the CDH problem. Theorem 3 is proved.

Theorem 4. If an adversary can win the Game 2 in PPT with a non-negligible advantage ε2 after Hi queries, qd partial private key queries, qsc signcryption queries and qusc unsigncryption queries, the challenger can solve the CDH problem with the advantage as show in Eq (12). (12)

The proof process is similar to Theorem 3 and will not be repeated here.


Theorem 5. If an adversary can win the Game 3 in PPT with a non-negligible advantage ε3 after Hi queries, qpk public key queries and qsc signcryption queries, the challenger can solve the CDH problem with the advantage as show in Eq (13). (13)

Proof: is a challenger to solve the difficult problems of CDH. is an adversary. selects as the challenge identity. Given a challenge example (P, aP, bP) where . and interact as follows.

Setup: randomly selects and calculates PK = aP. outputs the system parameter para = {λ, G, q, P, PK, H1, H2, H3, H4, n}.

Training: The same queries as Theorem 3 will not be repeated here. The different queries are described below.

  • Key query: When receiving the query with IDpi submitted by , executes the PKI-Gen algorithm to generate (SKp, PKp) and return to if . Otherwise, randomly selects and calculates PKp = bP. Then renturns PKp to .
  • Signcryption query: When receiving the query with (IDpi, IDci, mi) submitted by , executes the signcryption algorithm to generate and return to if . Otherwise, performs the following operations.
    • Calculate f0,n = H1(mi||n) and fi,n = H1(mi||n||f0,n||⋯||fi − 1, n) where i ∈ {1, 2, ⋯, n − 1}.
    • Calculate fi,j = H1(fi,j+1) where i ∈ {k, ⋯, n − 1} and j ∈ {0, ⋯, i − 1}.
    • Calculate fi(x) = f0,i + f1,i x + ⋯ + fi − 1, i xi−1 where i ∈ {k, k + 1, ⋯, n}.
    • Randomly select . Calculate Y* = b(PKH1(IDci) + PKic1) and R* = rPKic2.
    • Calculate , , ||fn(X))⊕H3(R*) and .
    • Return to .

Forgery: outputs a forged ciphertext for mi. If the forgery is successful, can select from the list Lh2 and take as the solution of the CDH problem. However, there is currently no effective way to solve the problem. Theorem 5 is proved.

Number security

In this section, we proved the number security of our scheme based on the definition of number security in reference [28].

Theorem 6. If there is an adversary , after Hi queries, qtd trapdoor queries, qsc signcryption queries and qusc unsigncryption queries, can determine whether the underlying plaintext corresponding to t < K ciphertext δi = (Ci,1, Ci,2, Ci,3, Ci,4, ki) is equal in PPT with a non-negligible advantage ε4, where k = max{k1, k2, ⋯, kt}. can solve the problem of CDH with the advantage as show in Eq (14). (14)

Proof: There are the following two ways to determine for .

  1. can determine by obtaining and comparing the plaintexts m1, m2, ⋯, mt.
    In subsection Confidentiality, we have proved the confidentiality of our scheme. So this way is not feasible for .
  2. can determine by obtaining the value of , where i ∈ {1, 2, ⋯, t − 1}, l ∈ {1, 2, ⋯, t} and . For this way, we do the following analysis.

For t ciphertexts δ1, δ2, ⋯, δt, is allowed to perform public key queries and trapdoor queries. So it can calculate and where ki < j < n. Let k = max{k1, ⋯, kt}. can get the equation set Eq (15). (15)

Since X1, X2, ⋯, Xt are randomly selected by users, the probability of non-linear correlation of t equations is . Let , where i ∈ {1, 2, ⋯, t} and j ∈ {0, 1, ⋯, k − 1}. If is regarded as an independent variable, and Xi is regarded as a coefficient of the equations, the equation set consisting of t equations with k independent variables can be obtained. Because of k > t, there is no solution to make the equation set true. So this way is not feasible for .

In summary, the HSC-MET scheme satisfies the number security. Theorem 6 is proved.

Scheme analysis

Functional analysis

Table 3 summarizes the functional properties, confidentiality, and unforgeability analyses of our scheme. can be seen in Tables 1 and 3. To begin, in comparison to the references [1320], our scheme incorporates the MET function to achieve safe and efficient cloud data retrieval, which is more appropriate for application scenarios involving large amounts of data. Second, when compared to the schemes in [2227], our scheme overcomes the limitation of only supporting pairwise grouping for ciphertext equality tests, making it more appropriate for multi-user and multi-ciphertext application scenarios. Third, unlike [13, 15, 17, 18, 20, 2227], our scheme does not use bilinear pairing and has lower computational costs. Furthermore, our scheme has higher confidentiality than [13, 2224, 27, 28]. Finally, unlike [2224, 28], our scheme has unforgeability and introduces heterogeneous signcryption technology to ensure the confidentiality, and integrity of data, and realizes the secure communication between heterogeneous cryptosystems.

Performance analysis

Our scheme is compared with the schemes in references [25, 27, 28] in terms of performance. Reference [28] uses the traditional public key encryption scheme. We use a PC equipped with Intel Core i7–7500u CPU@3.5GHz, 8G memory, and Windows 10 for simulation. The representative symbols and their meaning and computational time are shown in Table 4. The computational cost of each comparison scheme is shown in Table 5. With the increase of plaintexts/ciphertexts, the computational costs of our scheme and the comparison schemes in the signcryption/encryption, unsigncryption/decryption, and test phases are shown in Figs 24 respectively.

In the signcryption/encryption phase, it can be seen from Table 5 and Fig 2 that compared with the schemes in [25] and [27], our scheme does not have bilinear pairing operations, which greatly reduces the computational cost. Although compared with the scheme in [28], the computational cost of our scheme is higher, our scheme not only achieves confidentiality, but also satisfies non-repudiation. And our scheme supports communication between heterogeneous cryptosystem. In the unsigcryption/decryption and test phases, Figs 3 and 4 clearly show that our scheme has lower computational costs than the schemes in [25, 27, 28]. When the number of ciphertexts reaches 20, the computational efficiency in unsigcryption/decryption phase of our scheme is approximately 2000 times, 1500 times and 30 times that of the three comparison schemes. And as the number of ciphertexts increases, the advantages of our scheme become more obvious in the test phase.


We proposed the HSC-MET scheme to overcome the problems in the existing schemes, such as not supporting the communication between heterogeneous cryptosystems, high computational overhead, and low efficiency of ciphertext retrieval. Our scheme uses HSC technology to realize secure communication from PKI to CLC. The scheme has no bilinear pairing operation, which greatly reduces the computational cost and improves communication efficiency. In addition, the multi-ciphertext equality test technology is introduced to realize the simultaneous retrieval of multiple ciphertexts by multiple users, which reduces the computational cost of the ciphertext equality test in the multi-user scenario. Under the ROM, we proved the confidentiality, unforgeability, and number security of the HSC-MET scheme based on the CDH problem. Finally, we compared the scheme with several similar schemes. The results show that our scheme not only has more functional features and higher security but also has lower computational costs in signcryption, unsigncryption, and test phases. However, our scheme’s security is proved under the random oracle model, which is not universal in reality more or less. In the future, we will further investigate the security under the standard model to make the HSC-MET scheme more practical.


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