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Correction: Two New Computational Methods for Universal DNA Barcoding: A Benchmark Using Barcode Sequences of Bacteria, Archaea, Animals, Fungi, and Land Plants

  • Akifumi S. Tanabe,
  • Hirokazu Toju
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In the third sentence of the first paragraph of sub-subsection “Query-Centric Auto-k-Nearest-Neighbor (QCauto) Method”, within the Materials and Methods section, the variable of expression is incorrect. The correct sentence should read: A BLAST-search of reference sequences similar to the query was then performed, and subsequently, all the neighborhood sequences (Ns) whose distance to the query sequences was equal to or smaller than DQB were retrieved (i.e., DQBDQN; Fig. 2d).


  1. 1. Tanabe AS, Toju H (2013) Two New Computational Methods for Universal DNA Barcoding: A Benchmark Using Barcode Sequences of Bacteria, Archaea, Animals, Fungi, and Land Plants. PLoS ONE 8(10): e76910. pmid:24204702