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Correction: Hydrologic Alterations from Climate Change Inform Assessment of Ecological Risk to Pacific Salmon in Bristol Bay, Alaska

  • Cameron Wobus,
  • Robert Prucha,
  • David Albert,
  • Christine Woll,
  • Maria Loinaz,
  • Russell Jones,
  • Constance Travers
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Dr. Constance Travers should be included in the author byline instead of the Acknowledgments. He should be listed as the seventh author, and his affiliation is #1: Abt Associates, Boulder, Colorado, United States of America. The contributions of this author are as follows: Conceived and designed the experiments, analyzed the data, and wrote the manuscript.


  1. 1. Wobus C, Prucha R, Albert D, Woll C, Loinaz M, Jones R (2015) Hydrologic Alterations from Climate Change Inform Assessment of Ecological Risk to Pacific Salmon in Bristol Bay, Alaska. PLoS ONE 10(12): e0143905. pmid:26645380