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Correction: A new archosauromorph from South America provides insights on the early diversification of tanystropheids

  • Tiane M. De-Oliveira,
  • Felipe L. Pinheiro,
  • Átila Augusto Stock Da-Rosa,
  • Sérgio Dias-Da-Silva,
  • Leonardo Kerber
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Fig 2 is incorrect. The scale bar should be 5 mm instead of 10 mm. The authors have provided a corrected version here. Please see the complete, correct Fig 2 caption here.

Fig 2. Elessaurus gondwanoccidens (UFSM 11471) from the Sanga do Cabral Formation (Lower Triassic), Brazil.

Photograph and explanatory drawing respectively. Abbreviations: fe, femur; ti, tibia; gr, groove; fi, fibula; il, ilium; sv, sacral vertebra; cv, caudal vertebrae.

The captions for Figs 3 and 4 are incorrectly switched. The caption that appears with Fig 3 should appear with Fig 4, and the caption that appears with Fig 4 should appear with Fig 3. Please see the complete, correct Figs 3 and 4 captions here.

Fig 3. Plantar (A) and posteroplantar (B) views of the pes of Elessaurus gondwanoccidens (UFSM 11471) from the Sanga do Cabral Formation (Lower Triassic), Brazil.

Photographs and explanatory drawings respectively. Abbreviations (A): ca, calcaneum; dt 4, distal tarsal 4; mt. metatarsal 1–5; d3—d4, digits; ph, phalange. (B) ti, tibia; fi, fıbula; ca, calcaneum; as. astragalus; tu, calcaneal tuber; mt, metatarsal 5; dt 1, distal tarsal 1; ce, centrale; dt 3, distal tarsal 3; dt 4, distal tarsal 4.

Fig 4. Sacral and caudal vertebrae of Elessaurus gondwanoccidens (UFSM 11471) in dorsal view.

Photograph and explanatory drawing respectively. Abbreviations: sv2, second sacral vertebra; cv, caudal vertebrae 1–3.


  1. 1. De-Oliveira TM, Pinheiro FL, Stock Da-Rosa ÁA, Dias-Da-Silva S, Kerber L (2020) A new archosauromorph from South America provides insights on the early diversification of tanystropheids. PLoS ONE 15(4): e0230890. pmid:32267850