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The role of Dual Use Research of Concern Committee

Posted by nshinomiya on 26 Jan 2018 at 10:52 GMT

I read the comments posted by PLOS ONE Group especially with special attention to the phrase "the Committee unanimously agreed that in this instance, the benefits of publication outweigh the risks". I am just wondering what kind of discussion was actually made in the committee meeting and if there were no worries raised. Even if the horsepox virus itself is safe and useful for vaccine development, the technology used in the paper could be misused. I feel uneasy about hearing the phrase “unanimously agreed”.
Genome size of the horsepox virus made this time is 212 kbp, whereas that of variola virus is 186 kbp. This means that the technology of making synthetic variola virus seems to be already achieved. And just following the way used in the paper, pathogenic variola virus can be constructed. This is one of the most important matters of concern.
How and from which views were the members of the dual use committee of PLOS ONE were selected? If the paper had been reviewed by the NSABB, the conclusion might be a different one. I think discussion points in the Committee should be opened more precisely.

Nariyoshi Shinomiya, Professor of the Department of Integrative Physiology and Bio-Nano Medicine, National Defense Medical College, Japan

No competing interests declared.