About the Authors

Mei-Chi Chang

Affiliation Biomedical Science Team, Chang Gung University of Science and Technology, Kwei-Shan, Taoyuan City, Taiwan

Li-Deh Lin

Affiliations Laboratory of Dental Pharmacology, Toxicology & Material Biocompatibility, Graduate Institute of Clinical Dentistry, and National Taiwan University Medical College, Taipei, Taiwan, Department of Dentistry, National Taiwan University Hospital, Taipei, Taiwan

Min-Tsz Wu

Affiliations Laboratory of Dental Pharmacology, Toxicology & Material Biocompatibility, Graduate Institute of Clinical Dentistry, and National Taiwan University Medical College, Taipei, Taiwan, Department of Dentistry, National Taiwan University Hospital, Taipei, Taiwan

Chiu-Po Chan

Affiliation Department of Dentistry, Chang Gung Memorial Hospital, Taipei, Taiwan

Hsiao-Hua Chang

Affiliations Laboratory of Dental Pharmacology, Toxicology & Material Biocompatibility, Graduate Institute of Clinical Dentistry, and National Taiwan University Medical College, Taipei, Taiwan, Department of Dentistry, National Taiwan University Hospital, Taipei, Taiwan

Ming-Shu Lee

Affiliations Laboratory of Dental Pharmacology, Toxicology & Material Biocompatibility, Graduate Institute of Clinical Dentistry, and National Taiwan University Medical College, Taipei, Taiwan, Department of Dentistry, National Taiwan University Hospital, Taipei, Taiwan

Tzu-Ying Sun

Affiliations Laboratory of Dental Pharmacology, Toxicology & Material Biocompatibility, Graduate Institute of Clinical Dentistry, and National Taiwan University Medical College, Taipei, Taiwan, Department of Dentistry, National Taiwan University Hospital, Taipei, Taiwan

Po-Yuan Jeng

Affiliation School of Dentistry, University of Cardenal Herrera, CEU, Valencia, Spain

Sin-Yuet Yeung

Affiliation Department of Dentistry, Chang Gung Memorial Hospital, Taipei, Taiwan

Hsueh-Jen Lin

Affiliation Department of Dentistry, Show Chwan Memorial Hospital, Chang-Hua, Taiwan

Jiiang-Huei Jeng

jhjeng@ntu.edu.tw; benson86778231@yahoo.com.tw

Affiliations Laboratory of Dental Pharmacology, Toxicology & Material Biocompatibility, Graduate Institute of Clinical Dentistry, and National Taiwan University Medical College, Taipei, Taiwan, Department of Dentistry, National Taiwan University Hospital, Taipei, Taiwan

Competing Interests

The authors have declared that no competing interests exist.

Author Contributions

Conceived and designed the experiments: MCC JHJ. Performed the experiments: MCC LDL CPC MTW HHC MSL TYS PYJ SYY. Analyzed the data: MCC LDL JHJ PYJ SYY HJL. Contributed reagents/materials/analysis tools: MCC JHJ CPC LDL MTW HHC MSL TYS PYJ SYY. Wrote the paper: MCC JHJ.