About the Authors

Jean-Paul Carrera

Contributed equally to this work with: Jean-Paul Carrera, Yamilka Díaz

Affiliations Department of Research in Virology and Biotechnology, Gorgas Memorial Institute of Health Studies; Panama City, Panama, Department of Pre-clinical Sciences, School of Medicine, Columbus University; Panama City, Panama

Yamilka Díaz

Contributed equally to this work with: Jean-Paul Carrera, Yamilka Díaz

Affiliation Department of Research in Virology and Biotechnology, Gorgas Memorial Institute of Health Studies; Panama City, Panama

Bernardino Denis

Affiliation Department of Research in Emerging and Zoonotic Diseases, Gorgas Memorial Institute of Health Studies; Panama City, Panama

Itza Barahona de Mosca

Affiliation General Direction of the Ministry of Health; Panama City, Panama

Dennys Rodriguez

Affiliation National Department of Epidemiology, Ministry of Health; Panama City, Panama

Israel Cedeño

Affiliation National Department of Epidemiology, Ministry of Health; Panama City, Panama

Dimelza Arauz

Affiliation Department of Research in Virology and Biotechnology, Gorgas Memorial Institute of Health Studies; Panama City, Panama

Publio González

Affiliation Department of Research in Emerging and Zoonotic Diseases, Gorgas Memorial Institute of Health Studies; Panama City, Panama

Lizbeth Cerezo

Affiliation National Department of Epidemiology, Ministry of Health; Panama City, Panama

Lourdes Moreno

Affiliation National Department of Epidemiology, Ministry of Health; Panama City, Panama

Lourdes García

Affiliation National Department of Epidemiology, Ministry of Health; Panama City, Panama

Lisseth E. Sáenz

Affiliation Department of Research in Virology and Biotechnology, Gorgas Memorial Institute of Health Studies; Panama City, Panama

María Aneth Atencio

Affiliation Immunovirology section, Public Health Reference Laboratory, Gorgas Memorial Institute of Health Studies; Panama City, Panama

Eddy Rojas-Fermin

Affiliation Department of Pre-clinical Sciences, School of Medicine, Columbus University; Panama City, Panama

Fernando Vizcaino

Affiliation Vector-Control National Department, Ministry of Health; Panama City, Panama

Nicolas Perez

Affiliation Health Center Puerto Obaldía; Panama City, Panama

Brechla Moreno

Affiliation Department of Research in Virology and Biotechnology, Gorgas Memorial Institute of Health Studies; Panama City, Panama

Sandra López-Vergès

‡ These authors are joint senior authors on this work

Affiliation Department of Research in Virology and Biotechnology, Gorgas Memorial Institute of Health Studies; Panama City, Panama

Anayansi Valderrama

‡ These authors are joint senior authors on this work

Affiliation Department of Research in Medical Entomology, Gorgas Memorial Institute of Health Studies; Panama City, Panama

Blas Armién


‡ These authors are joint senior authors on this work

Affiliations Department of Research in Emerging and Zoonotic Diseases, Gorgas Memorial Institute of Health Studies; Panama City, Panama, Research Direction, Universidad Interamericana de Panama; Panama City, Panama

Competing Interests

The authors have declared that no competing interests exist.

Author Contributions

Conceptualization: JPC AV BA. Data curation: BD PG LC LM LG AV IC IBdM DR FV NP. Formal analysis: JPC BD ERF AV BA. Investigation: BD PG LC LM LG AV IC IBdM DR FV NP. Methodology: JPC YD DA LES MAA BM SLV. Resources: BM SLV. Writing – original draft: JPC. Writing – review & editing: SLV AV YD BA.