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  • Local Translation in Primary Afferent Fibers Regulates Nociception

    Lydia Jiménez-Díaz, Sandrine M. Géranton, Gayle M. Passmore, J. Lianne Leith, Amy S. Fisher, Laura Berliocchi, Anantha K. Sivasubramaniam, Anne Sheasby, Bridget M. Lumb, Stephen P. Hunt

    published 09 Apr 2008

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  • An Information-Theoretic Analysis of Genetics, Gender and Age in Cancer Patients

    Gurinder Singh Atwal, Raúl Rabadán, Guillermina Lozano, Louise C. Strong, Mariëlle W. G. Ruijs, Marjanka K. Schmidt, Laura J. van't Veer, Heli Nevanlinna, Johanna Tommiska, Kristiina Aittomäki, Gaelle Bougeard, Thierry Frebourg, Arnold J. Levine, Gareth L. Bond

    published 09 Apr 2008

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