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Showing 300,704 - 300,716 of 304,386

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The inconsistency of p-curve: Testing its reliability using the power pose and HPA debates

R. Matthew Montoya, Christine Kershaw, Christopher T. Jurgens

Simulation-guided tunable DNA probe design for mismatch tolerant hybridization

Pallavi Bugga, Vishwaratn Asthana, Rebekah Drezek

Correction: CD69 Is a TGF-β/1α,25-dihydroxyvitamin D3 Target Gene in Monocytes

Thea K. Wöbke, Andreas von Knethen, Dieter Steinhilber, Bernd L. Sorg

Correction: Systematic Validation of Protein Force Fields against Experimental Data

Kresten Lindorff-Larsen, Paul Maragakis,  [ ... ], David E. Shaw

Exploiting mechanisms for hierarchical branching structure of lung airway

Hisako Takigawa-Imamura, Katsumi Fumoto, Hiroaki Takesue, Takashi Miura

A new system of phosphorus and calcium requirements for lactating dairy cows

André Soares de Oliveira, Suziane Rodrigues Soares

Correction: An eight-year follow-up on auditory outcomes after neonatal hearing screening

Jolien J. G. Kleinhuis, Karin de Graaff-Korf,  [ ... ], Michel R. Benard

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