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  • Counting the Founders: The Matrilineal Genetic Ancestry of the Jewish Diaspora

    Doron M. Behar, Ene Metspalu, Toomas Kivisild, Saharon Rosset, Shay Tzur, Yarin Hadid, Guennady Yudkovsky, Dror Rosengarten, Luisa Pereira, Antonio Amorim, Ildus Kutuev, David Gurwitz, Batsheva Bonne-Tamir, Richard Villems, Karl Skorecki

    published 30 Apr 2008

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  • ZAP-70 Restoration in Mice by In Vivo Thymic Electroporation

    Magali Irla, Murielle Saade, Adrien Kissenpfennig, Lionel Franz Poulin, Lee Leserman, Patrice N. Marche, Evelyne Jouvin-Marche, François Berger, Catherine Nguyen

    published 30 Apr 2008

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  • Genomic Diversity and Evolution of the Lyssaviruses

    Olivier Delmas, Edward C. Holmes, Chiraz Talbi, Florence Larrous, Laurent Dacheux, Christiane Bouchier, Hervé Bourhy

    published 30 Apr 2008

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  • A Pre-Hispanic Head

    Raffaella Bianucci, Maria Jeziorska, Rudy Lallo, Grazia Mattutino, Massimo Massimelli, Genevieve Phillips, Otto Appenzeller

    published 30 Apr 2008

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