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Reward Sensitivity Is Associated with Brain Activity during Erotic Stimulus Processing

Victor Costumero, Alfonso Barrós-Loscertales,  [ ... ], César Ávila

Rift Valley Fever Risk Map Model and Seroprevalence in Selected Wild Ungulates and Camels from Kenya

Seth C. Britch, Yatinder S. Binepal,  [ ... ], William C. Wilson

Tamoxifen and Ovarian Function

Martine Berliere, Francois P. Duhoux,  [ ... ], Jean-Pascal Machiels

Multivariate Analysis of Dopaminergic Gene Variants as Risk Factors of Heroin Dependence

Andrea Vereczkei, Zsolt Demetrovics,  [ ... ], Csaba Barta

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