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  • Cost-effectiveness of applying high-sensitivity troponin I to a score for cardiovascular risk prediction in asymptomatic population

    Paul Jülicher, Nataliya Makarova, Francisco Ojeda, Isabella Giusepi, Annette Peters, Barbara Thorand, Giancarlo Cesana, Torben Jørgensen, Allan Linneberg, Veikko Salomaa, Licia Iacoviello, Simona Costanzo, Stefan Söderberg, Frank Kee, Simona Giampaoli, Luigi Palmieri, Chiara Donfrancesco, Tanja Zeller, Kari Kuulasmaa, Tarja Tuovinen, Felicity Lamrock, Annette Conrads-Frank, Paolo Brambilla, Stefan Blankenberg, Uwe Siebert

    published 19 Jul 2024

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