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Showing 14 - 26 of 304,471

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Role of the JAK2/STAT3 pathway on infection of Francisella novicida

Sonoko Matsumoto, Takashi Shimizu,  [ ... ], Masahisa Watarai

Key needs, quality performance indicators and outcomes for patients with atrial fibrillation and multimorbidity: The AFFIRMO study

Donato Giuseppe Leo, Caterina Trevisan,  [ ... ], on behalf of the AFFIRMO Study investigators

Early vs. delayed QTc prolongation in acute poisoning: A prognostic accuracy study—A case series

Amirhossein Shahpar, Amirhossein Mirafzal, Mitra Movahedi, Nazanin Zeinali Nezhad

Multivalency drives interactions of alpha-synuclein fibrils with tau

Jennifer Ramirez, Ibrahim G. Saleh,  [ ... ], Elizabeth Rhoades

Recording provenance of workflow runs with RO-Crate

Simone Leo, Michael R. Crusoe,  [ ... ], Stian Soiland-Reyes

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