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Showing 14 - 26 of 302,486

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Estimation of pulmonary vascular resistance for Glenn physiology

Sebastian Laudenschlager, Samuel Schofield,  [ ... ], Mehdi Hedjazi-Moghari

Analysis of changes in the occurrence of ice phenomena in upland and mountain rivers of Poland

Krzysztof Kochanek, Agnieszka Rutkowska,  [ ... ], Mateusz Grygoruk

Long-COVID symptom monitoring: Insights from a two-year telemedicine study

Andrea Foppiani, Chiara Montanari,  [ ... ], Gianvincenzo Zuccotti

Management of chronic non-cancer pain by primary care physicians: A qualitative study

Léa Rufener, Christina Akre, Pierre-Yves Rodondi, Julie Dubois

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