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Direct Detection of Soil-Bound Prions

Sacha Genovesi, Liviana Leita,  [ ... ], Alessandro Bertoli

Heparin-Binding-Hemagglutinin-Induced IFN-γ Release as a Diagnostic Tool for Latent Tuberculosis

Jean-Michel Hougardy, Kinda Schepers,  [ ... ], Françoise Mascart

The Restriction of Zoonotic PERV Transmission by Human APOBEC3G

Stefán R. Jónsson, Rebecca S. LaRue,  [ ... ], Reuben S. Harris

Intraepithelial and Interstitial Deposition of Pathological Prion Protein in Kidneys of Scrapie-Affected Sheep

Ciriaco Ligios, Giovanna Maria Cancedda,  [ ... ], Mathias Heikenwalder

Exogenous Interferon-α and Interferon-γ Increase Lethality of Murine Inhalational Anthrax

Jeffrey A. Gold, Yoshihiko Hoshino,  [ ... ], Michael D. Weiden

Global Surveillance of Emerging Influenza Virus Genotypes by Mass Spectrometry

Rangarajan Sampath, Kevin L. Russell,  [ ... ], David J. Ecker

Anthrax Toxins Induce Shock in Rats by Depressed Cardiac Ventricular Function

Linley E. Watson, Shu-ru Kuo,  [ ... ], Arthur E. Frankel

Predicting Pneumonia and Influenza Mortality from Morbidity Data

Lise Denoeud, Clément Turbelin,  [ ... ], Fabrice Carrat

Global Genetic Population Structure of Bacillus anthracis

Matthew N. Van Ert, W. Ryan Easterday,  [ ... ], Paul Keim

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