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Showing 1 - 13 of 179

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  • Multiple Antimicrobial Resistance in Plague: An Emerging Public Health Risk

    Timothy J. Welch, W. Florian Fricke, Patrick F. McDermott, David G. White, Marie-Laure Rosso, David A. Rasko, Mark K. Mammel, Mark Eppinger, M.J. Rosovitz, David Wagner, Lila Rahalison, J. Eugene LeClerc, Jeffrey M. Hinshaw, Luther E. Lindler, Thomas A. Cebula, Elisabeth Carniel, Jacques Ravel

    published 21 Mar 2007

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  • Yersinia pestis: New Evidence for an Old Infection

    Kirsten I. Bos, Philip Stevens, Kay Nieselt, Hendrik N. Poinar, Sharon N. DeWitte, Johannes Krause

    published 28 Nov 2012

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