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Showing 66 - 78 of 86

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Effects of Coronary Ischemia-Reperfusion in a Rat Model of Early Overnutrition. Role of Angiotensin Receptors

Miriam Granado, Nuria Fernández,  [ ... ], Angel Luis García-Villalón

Cilostazol Prevents Endothelin-Induced Smooth Muscle Constriction and Proliferation

Yoshifumi Kawanabe, Maki Takahashi,  [ ... ], Surya M. Nauli

Perivascular Expression and Potent Vasoconstrictor Effect of Dynorphin A in Cerebral Arteries

Éva Ruisanchez, Attila Cselenyák,  [ ... ], Zoltán Benyó

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