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Showing 27 - 39 of 137

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The Phrenic Component of Acute Schizophrenia – A Name and Its Physiological Reality

Karl-Jürgen Bär, Tobias Rachow,  [ ... ], Andreas Voss

Expired CO2 Levels Indicate Degree of Lung Aeration at Birth

Stuart B. Hooper, Andreas Fouras,  [ ... ], Georg M. Schmölzer

The Expansion of the Pulmonary Rib Cage during Breath Stacking Is Influenced by Age in Obese Women

Jacqueline de Melo Barcelar, Andrea Aliverti,  [ ... ], Armèle Dornelas de Andrade

A Systematic Approach to Multiple Breath Nitrogen Washout Test Quality

Renee Jensen, Sanja Stanojevic,  [ ... ], Felix Ratjen

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