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Showing 27 - 39 of 137

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A signal demodulation-based method for the early detection of Cheyne-Stokes respiration

Pauline Guyot, El-Hadi Djermoune, Bruno Chenuel, Thierry Bastogne

Modeling the impact of ventilations on the capnogram in out-of-hospital cardiac arrest

Jose Julio Gutiérrez, Jesus María Ruiz,  [ ... ], Mohamud Ramzan Daya

Efficient delipidation of a recombinant lung surfactant lipopeptide analogue by liquid-gel chromatography

Oihana Basabe-Burgos, Jakub Zebialowicz Ahlström,  [ ... ], Anna Rising

Effect of changes in tidal volume on multiple breath washout outcomes

Felix Ratjen, Renee Jensen,  [ ... ], Sanja Stanojevic

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