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Showing 40 - 52 of 212

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Overexpression of RhoH Permits to Bypass the Pre-TCR Checkpoint

Norimasa Tamehiro, Hiroyo Oda, Mutsunori Shirai, Harumi Suzuki

Premature Expression of Foxp3 in Double-Negative Thymocytes

Melanie M. Barra, David M. Richards,  [ ... ], Markus Feuerer

The Expansion of Thymopoiesis in Neonatal Mice Is Dependent on Expression of High Mobility Group A 2 Protein (Hmga2)

Beata Berent-Maoz, Encarnacion Montecino-Rodriguez,  [ ... ], Kenneth Dorshkind

The Ras GTPase-Activating Protein Rasal3 Supports Survival of Naive T Cells

Ryunosuke Muro, Takeshi Nitta,  [ ... ], Harumi Suzuki

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